Surf Wise Level 2 Beginner Surfer
This is the first step in learning to surf.
Learn how to identify surfing hazards, types of waves, choose a suitable beginner surfing location, choosing a beginner board, surf clothing, how to safely enter the water, negotiate small waves, paddle board in trim, wipe and dismount safely and ride broken waves straight into shore.
Ride a broken wave straight into the shore in surf up to 1 ½ ft.
Locations and Conditions
Gentle breaking waves of white water less than 1 ½ feet (½ metre)
Sandy beach and ocean floor with even gradient (no rocks or reef)
Free from rocks
Free from rips and currents
Water depth of chest deep or less
No dumping shore break
Wind less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Beginner softboard with soft fins
Leg-rope (leash)
Knowledge & Skills
Surf Safety
Swim 50 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Surfing Environment
Identify surfing hazards
Identify suitable weather conditions for surfing
Identify the types of waves suitable for surfing
Choose a safe surfing location
Identify how to look after the surfing environment
Choose a beginners surfboard
Wax, care, carry and store your board
Identify types of wetsuits and surf clothing, when to wear these
Surfing Skills
Choose a safe place to enter the water
Negotiate small waves using a variety of techniques
Paddle the board in trim
Turn the surfboard in a sitting position
Use safe wipe-out and dismount techniques
Identify correct surfing etiquette
Surfing Manoeuvres
Select, catch and ride broken waves, going straight to shore, with safety