Introducing ASI Surf Instructor, Sally Mackinnon
Posted: 21 May 2020

AUSTRALIA. Introducing ASI Surf Instructor, Sally Mackinnon. On her 46th Birthday, Sally decided to book herself and her then 12-year-old son onto 3 surfing lessons. She has been hooked ever since. She currently instructs at ASI accredited school, Surf Easy. She has also written two books about surfing.
1. What is your background?
I was a professional environmental activist and volunteer community organiser for 24 years of my life. Connecting with and protecting nature especially the ocean and forests is absolutely what I love doing.
2. What got you involved in the sport?
I grew up on the Gold Coast in the 1970s and 1980s when not many women surfed and before the birth of surf schools; so, I never quite figured out the whole surfing thing at that stage. I then got very involved in environmental activism and parenting and my dream of surfing faded away. On my 46th birthday, I booked my then 12-year-old son and myself into 3 surfing lessons at Lennox Head where we were camping for holidays, and finally, I was hooked. I’m now in my 12th year of surfing and have not stopped loving it for a second.
3. Why did you become an ASI instructor?
When I first started surfing, I used to go to Currumbin Alley a lot. I got to know Gary and Kandy Palmer who ran the ASI surf school Surf Easy there. After a few years, Gaz asked if I’d like to become an instructor with them, particularly to teach beginners, women and girls. That was a dream come true! I had never imagined after such a late start with my surfing life, that I’d ever become a surf instructor. I loved doing the ASI course and the internship with Surf Easy and I still work with that surf school even though Gaz and Kandy have now retired.
4. What are you doing now?
I teach surfing with Surf Easy Surf School at Currumbin Alley. I love teaching during the holidays because of all the different people you get to introduce to surfing. But more than that I love teaching my regular women’s groups which I run at dawn on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at the Alley. I have also written two books about surfing. “Surfing as a Dance: How one woman found grace in and out of the water” which is a collection of stories and poems from my unlikely surfing life. Also “the dharma of surfing: wisdom from the water for life” which is a collection of 52 little wisdoms from surfing that we can apply in and out of the water. I also re-trained at 50 not only to teach surfing but yoga and fitness. I also host surfing and wellbeing retreats.
5. What do you like about being an ASI instructor?
I love the international qualification that ASI gives surf instructors - we can work all around the world teaching surfing at a high quality. I also like the keen eye ASI maintains on quality surf instructing and the requirements we must fulfil each year to hold true to the safety and spirit of surfing and surf instructing.
6. Tell us about funny or interesting or nice situation that has happened to you with instructing?
So many funny situations in surf instructing, particularly teaching my regular women’s groups because you get to guide and see people progress from whitewater beginnings to surfing in the line-up. That’s just amazing, funny and heart-warming things happen in that journey. But the nicest thing about surf instructing is that for some students, you get to make their dream of surfing come true! Some people have held that dream since childhood, and to help them bring that to life in such a fun-filled, joyful manner, makes my heart sing.
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.
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