Introducing ASI Surf Instructor, Loren Enfield, Australia

Posted: 8 June 2022


AUSTRALIA. Meet Loren Enfield, ASI Surf Instructor in Port Macquarie, NSW.


Loren has been surfing for over 25 years and has a degree in PE but chose to take her classroom outside to the beach, running Soul Surf school with her husband. Raising 4 kids  (now aged 12 to 21 yo) with two of them becoming surf instructors, the surf school has been an integral and fulfilling part of her life.


We asked her some questions to find out more…


What is your background and what got you involved in the sport?


Hi! I’m a semi-late bloomer and a frothing, inspired and trying to shred mature female surfer.

I’ve been surfing for over 25 years. Started later than the groms but at a great age of 21.


I really took it on with oceans of passion. North Steyne in Manly was my first home break.


The last 26 years has seen 4 super charging kids thrown into my life that I try to keep up with (slowly giving up on that lol). From 21-12 years of age. 2 of my kids are very competitive surfers and doing very well for NSW. Even one has been on the National stage a few times!


Why wouldn’t I marry the man that first truly opened my veins to the salt of the ocean? 26 years together and married for 22. Both of us have made surfing a major part of our lives and raised our 4 kids in the Surf School we own - Soul Surfing in Port Macquarie.



I have a degree in PE but I didn’t want to teach in a classroom. Nature and its challenges is a way better way to learn valuable life lessons. Combining my love of yoga I began 25 years ago, we started Surf and Yoga retreats 16 years ago. 


Tuning into community service and the skill set we had, we also dove deeply into our locals and have been operating grass roots and original surf and yoga programs for the last 15 years. 



Why did you become an ASI instructor?


ASI was the obvious choice for our instructing qualifications. I began my instructor certification about 11-13 years ago. I can’t be 100% sure as it was either before or after child 4. Lol. Busy but fun days.


ASI have always been supportive and I like their International position. My 2 eldest children and soon to be 3rd, are also ASI coaches. As they want to travel the world this will serve them well. As a fan of independence we can really gain this feeling with ASI and it suits us well. All our coaches are ASI qualified.



Tell us about a funny or interesting or nice situation that has happened to you with instructing?


When you teach surfing to help bring balance, connection, nature, pure stoke, goal setting, and safe challenges to others there are always so many beautiful stories of transformation that surfing has made in many lives. The benefits are endless and so many lives have been positively shifted by surfing with me over the last decade. 


Whether it’s the very plus size making it to their feet for the first time, the smile on everyone’s face when they’re surfing the wave, the whispers from the tough kids that tell you secretly how much they love surfing (and they don’t swear much when they surf as they become like little kids), or seeing the life of a person completely shift from depression and self harm to one of radiance and confidence within 6 months of bringing surfing into their lives.


But I think one of the best feelings for my own surfing is when I pull off some great turns and my kids hoot me for it. When they can see me ripping on one of my good days is a really good feeling too. Having actual witnesses to these moments of performance. That makes me smile inside and out. 



A huge thank you to Loren for taking the time to give us some insight into life as a Surfing Instructor.

If you fancy becoming an ASI Surf Instructor like Loren then click here to find out how to get started and make your dream job a reality!


Check out Soul Surfing here