Layout Example
Add buttons with internal or external links
Surfing Instructor Career Pathways
ASI has created the world’s only surfing instruction career pathway. You can progress from learning to surf to becoming an ASI Level 4 Master Surfing Coach.
The ASI Surf Wise learn to surf program offers 10 levels of surfing ability. Each level has clearly defined criteria so you know what your ability is.
There are 4 Levels of surfing instructor qualifications. Starting from Level 1 Surfing Instructor, you can progress to Level 4 Master Surfing Coach.
ASI’s comprehensive educational training courses, published manuals, workbooks and the best in the industry. There is a choice of delivery options with workshops and online learning.
It has been specially developed in modular format to make learning easy.
Start your journey at ASI Accredited Surf Schools. Or contact ASI direct if you are an experienced surfer.
If you are interested in a career in the surfing industry, ASI can help you get there. You’ll be part of the ASI Worldwide family.

Become an ASI Accredited Surf School
Find out more about becoming an ASI Accredited Surf School and becoming part of the ASI worldwide network
Example File Link
SUP Instructor Standards - Exposed Waters
ASI has created the international standards for SUP Instructors for safe paddling, and managing students, at exposed waters locations.

Upload and Link Files
There is now a “Link to File” button which allows you to upload a file and links it to the selected text

Text Next to Image Examples
ASI Instructor Training Centres (ITC)
ASI Instructor Training Centres (ITCs) are ASI schools with ASI trainers. ITC’s are authorised to train and assess ASI instructors and deliver Apprenticeship courses.
ITC’s are specially selected as they have demonstrated the highest of operational standards for safety, instructing and training.

Veritcal Images
Images can also be set to stack vertically next to the text if preferred.
ASI Instructor Training Centres (ITCs) are ASI schools with ASI trainers. ITC’s are authorised to train and assess ASI instructors and deliver Apprenticeship courses.
ITC’s are specially selected as they have demonstrated the highest of operational standards for safety, instructing and training.
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Images on their own row
Example Content
All images are shown with an equal width. No need to manually resize the images.
The layout and image size will adapt to the users screen size.
Mutiple blocks can be used to create different layouts.

Single Image
If a single image is selected it takes up the full width of the page and adapts to the users screen size
Full width image (Optional Heading)