Academy of Surfing Instructors partners up with the 2019 BUCS Surf Championships

Posted: 6 September 2019


UK. CORNWALL. NEWQUAY. The annual #BUCS Surf Championships will hit Fistral Beach with a bang on the 18 - 20 Oct 2019, the largest surfing event in Europe, attracting over 350 student athletes to Cornwall. The event offers a range of levels of competition depending on experience.

Newquay is known for its glorious beaches and invitingly clear Atlantic waters and being the surfing capital of the UK. It's a great place to hold a student event with plenty of Bars and Clubs for après surf tipples.

The ASI Crew will be there over the whole weekend so go over and see them  and have a chat if you make it to the event.

More information to follow or head over to the BUCS site:



About ASI


ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.

We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.

International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.

ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.


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